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[Podcast] Promoting the Role of Women in Ho Chi Minh City in Building Civilized Families according to Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology – Issue 2

4 November, 2024

Keywords: Role; women; promotion; Ho Chi Minh

President Ho Chi Minh pointed out that training and fostering women, including female officials, is one of the important and fundamental tasks to the Party in promoting the role and capacity of women for the development of society and for them to fulfill their natural duties in the family. Therefore, researching his ideology on the role of women and the issue of training and fostering women, applying his ideology to correctly determine the role of women in Ho Chi Minh City aims at appropriate solutions to encourage and create conditions for women to highly promote their creativity, contributing worthily to the construction of civilized families today is an increasingly urgent issue. This is the reason that motivated the author from University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City to carry out the research topic “Promoting the role of women in Ho Chi Minh City in building civilized families according to Ho Chi Minh’s ideology”.

Based on the study of the role of women in Ho Chi Minh’s ideology and the current status of the role of women in Ho Chi Minh City in building civilized families in issue 1. In this article, the author group recommends several solutions to further promote the role of women in building civilized families in Ho Chi Minh City as follows:

First, raising public awareness of the role of women

Promoting the role of women in building civilized families in Ho Chi Minh City today cannot be completed without the attention of party committees at all levels, authorities, organizations and each family. The accurate perception of party committees at all levels is first of all reflected in the accurate perception of the role, ability of women, and of gender equality. Based on the awareness of the role and capacity of women, Party committees and authorities at all levels need to set out clear, specific and scientific policies and guidelines on women’s work and gender equality in order to eliminate injustices against women, to create conditions for women to participate in all areas of social life; concurrently, in agencies and departments to actively implement them according to their responsibilities and powers. To achieve that, the leaders must have a precise view of the importance of women, especially respecting and promoting the capacity of female officials in leadership and management of the Government.

Second, enhancing the community’s responsibility towards women

Regarding the responsibility of the government, the city authority needs to focus on solving the following issues: First is to improve the cultural level and professional expertise of women. To improve women’s education level, authorities at all levels need to (1) educate women to clearly understand that improving their educational level and professional skills is their right and obligation, (2) have a policy to reduce tuition fees and expand the forms of scholarships for poor women, (3) diversify the training and development process with many forms so that women have the opportunity to study, (4) ppen vocational training classes for female workers. Second is to protect and to promote women’s equality. To realize gender equality, first of all, it is necessary to step up propaganda to raise women’s awareness of gender equality, educate women on gender equality, and create conditions for women to realize their responsibilities to everyone as well as to express their own opinions. It is necessary to further strengthen the management of authorities at all levels in the fields of culture and arts, and to prevent obscene publications and violence against women.

Regarding the responsibilities of organizations and unions, the responsibilities of unions in promoting the role of women in the city are very important, especially the Women’s Union, which is responsible for helping women improve their qualifications in all aspects, fully aware of the guidelines and policies of the Party and government on women’s work, on gender equality, creating conditions for women to actively participate in socio-economic activities, guiding women in knowledge and skills to organize family life, organizing campaigns for women to help each other in economic activities, expanding coordination with banks and funds to support job creation, strengthening coordination between agencies and sectors to open knowledge training classes for women. Through that, women gradually improved their position in the family and in society.

Regarding the responsibilities of men, they need to share the burden of housework with women and take care of family members, create all conditions for women to have time to rest and time to participate in social work, actively participate in measures to implement family planning and in activities to criticize attitudes and concepts that support gender-based violence.

Third, promoting propaganda on the role of women and gender equality for family members and the community

First of all, the Party committees, authorities and unions of the city need to promote the dissemination of legal documents related to family, women and children listed as the Population Ordinance, Law on Child Protection and Care, National Program on the Advancement of Women and so on besides to develop topics and action programs to direct communication activities on the role of women and gender equality along with inspection, supervision and summary of propaganda, pay attention to key leaders in each locality, change their thinking about gender so that women can promote their capacity, compile and publish documents on gender equality. The content and form of propaganda must be rich, practical, and comprehensible. The reporters must be strong in both quantity and quality. It is necessary to coordinate with mass media agencies to propagate the role of women and gender equality.

Fourth, building, perfecting and implementing the legal system and policies related to women to create conditions for women’s development

To promote the role and capacity of women, Ho Chi Minh City needs to thoroughly grasp the viewpoints and goals; build, perfect and implement the legal system and policies related to women in the new situation; amend, supplement, and complete the policy system, ensuring women’s rights in all fields. There should be documents guiding the implementation of policies and guidelines to ensure consistency and continue to improve women’s qualifications in all aspects to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization; to improve the material and spiritual life of women; to diversify the operating mechanism so that the Women’s Union and the National Committee for the Advancement of Women can proactively participate in the development of legal documents, programs and projects in all fields. Along with the development, completion and implementation of the legal system, it is necessary to implement policies related to women to facilitate the comprehensive development of women, listed as Policies to care for the material and spiritual life of women; Policies to care for women’s health; Policies to develop kindergartens; and Policies to train, to foster, to arrange and to promote female official.

Fifth, resolutely fighting against, preventing and repelling social evils, domestic violence and women abuse

In terms of preventing, stopping and repelling social evils: It is necessary to strengthen the direction, management, inspection, supervision, and destruction of drug trafficking and storage rings, and prostitution organizations, and strictly handle violators. Propaganda and mobilization so that the masses can see the serious consequences of social evils. Resolutely eliminate service establishments listed as restaurants, hotels, and motels that engage in prostitution and disguised prostitution services. Promoting drug addiction treatment and post-rehabilitation, creating conditions for them to integrate into the community. On preventing, stopping and repelling violence and abuse against women: To prevent, to stop and to repel violence against women, it is necessary to: Raise people’s awareness of gender. Strengthen education on the Law on Gender Equality, the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence, and the Law on Marriage and Family. Deploy a model of intervention and prevention of domestic violence to each household. Including domestic violence prevention in the criteria for registering for recognition as a cultural family. Building facilities to support victims of domestic violence, establishing counseling centers for abused women, expanding hotlines, and free legal support services for women.

In addition to the above factors, women in the city must actively study and improve their qualifications in all aspects, allocate time to solve family and social problems scientifically and have independent, creative, confident, dynamic, and decisive thinking.

Ho Chi Minh – the genius leader of the Vietnamese revolution, a great thinker of the era. The ideological legacy that he left for our nation is a priceless spiritual asset. The legacy and noble career of Ho Chi Minh must be promoted and continued in current and future generations of Vietnamese people. Ho Chi Minh City is in the process of promoting industrialization, modernization, openness and integration. In that context, the role of women in Ho Chi Minh City has undergone many profound changes. Besides the positive changes, there are still pressing issues. To enhance the role and position of women in Ho Chi Minh City in building cultural families and responding to the cause of innovation, it is necessary to creatively apply Ho Chi Minh’s ideology and synchronously to implement the above solutions.

The full-text article on Promoting the role of women in Ho Chi Minh City in building a civilized family according to Ho Chi Minh’s ideology can be accessed HERE.

Author: Dr. Nguyen Khanh Van – University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH).

This article is part of the series spreading research and applied knowledge from UEH with the message “Research Contribution For All”. UEH cordially invites readers to wait for the next UEH Research Insights issue.

News, photos: The Author, UEH Department of Communications and Partnerships