On the morning of November 2, 2024, at Hall A.116, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) solemnly organized the 3rd Graduation Ceremony for PhDs and Master’s Programs in 2024. This is an opportunity to honor the new graduates who have obtained outstanding achievements throughout their studies, research and international publication.

Attending the Graduation Ceremony, on behalf of UEH leaders, there were Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong – Chairman of the University Council; Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh – President of UEH; Dr. Dinh Cong Khai – Vice President of UEH; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Thi Bich Nguyet – Chairwoman of the Strategy and Policy Advisory Council; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Thanh Trang – Vice Rector of UEH College of Business; Dr. Thai Kim Phung – Vice Rector of UEH College of Technology and Design; Leaders of schools/institutes with PhD and Master's programs; Professors, Associate Professors, Lecturers, students, and the new PhD and Master’s graduates.

Overview of the ceremony

Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh – President of UEH congratulated and appreciated the outstanding efforts in studies, research and international publication of the new PhD and master’s graduates in recent times.

Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh speaking at the ceremony

At the ceremony, UEH officially awarded PhD degrees to new graduates in the fields of Business Administration, Finance – Banking (Finance), Accounting, Commercial Business, Statistics, Finance – Banking (Banking), Economic Law and Political Economy. In this graduation ceremony, 07 new PhDs completed and defended their theses in English and published 26 articles in prestigious international journals (ISI, Scopus).

UEH awards Master's degrees to graduates in the fields of Business Administration, Finance, International Business, Economic Law, Banking, Accounting, Public Management, Commercial Business, Economics and Health Management, Economic Management, Economic Statistics, Information and Communication Design Technology.

3rd Graduation Ceremony for PhDs and master’s programs 2024

The Graduation Ceremony was a great success and marked the achievements in UEH's postgraduate training, demonstrating the efforts of the whole university with the passion to train high-quality human resources for the country. This is also the result of the dedication of the lecturers and the efforts of all the students and postgraduates. UEH wishes the new PhDs and Master’s graduates to achieve success in their future careers and lives.

Additional photos regarding the ceremony:

Lecturer of the Schools/Institutes awarded PhD and Master’s degrees in the 3rd graduation ceremony in 2024

The joy of new PhD and Master’s graduates

News and photos: Department of Communications and Partnership, Department of Training