About Blue Resources for Development

We are a global collaborative research program devoted to development of blue resources in low and middle-income countries, which so far implies a focus on how to manage and develop sustainable capture fisheries and aquaculture.

What is Blue Resources for Development?

The Blue Resources for Development (BlueRforD) is an interdisciplinary global collaborative with the aim to develop sustainable use of blue resources in low and middle-income countries. Our focus is on managing and developing sustainable capture fisheries and aquaculture, but we also study related resource issues like agriculture and land use in coastal areas. The network is a result of the Environment for Development program and involves researchers from Chile, China, Colombia, Central America, Ghana, India, Nigeria, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, USA, and Vietnam. Our network is coordinated by the EfD Center in Vietnam at the School of Economics, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City and by EfD Gothenburg, Sweden.

Key research themes include

  • Fisheries management from ecological, economic and community perspective (triple bottom line)
  • Sustainable aquaculture development with a triple bottom line approach
  • Marine Spatial Planning and its impact from poverty and gender perspectives

Source: https://www.efdinitiative.org/programs/blue-resources-development/about/about-blue-resources-delepment