From the position of a national key university with domestic and international prestige with nearly 50 years of establishment and development, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) deeply understands the responsibility of training high-quality human resources and transferring knowledge to the Southern region. In 2019, UEH started the journey of "Local Mission" in the largest delta region in the country – the Mekong Delta with the founding of UEH Vinh Long – the first 5 years of the journey contributing to a sustainable Mekong!
2019 – Officially establishing UEH Bbrand in Mekong Delta
As a national key university with domestic and international prestige with nearly 50 years of development, UEH deeply understands the responsibility of training high-quality human resources and transferring knowledge to the Southern region.
With the enthusiastic support and sharing of the leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training, Vinh Long Pprovince and the teachers of the former Vinh Long College of Economics and Finance, UEH started the journey of "local mission" in the largest delta region in the country – the Mekong Delta.
On December 4, 2019, the Ministry of Education and Training decided to establish the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City Branch in Vinh Long Pprovince according to Decision No. 4655/QD-BGDDT. UEH Vinh Long was established with the mission of training high-quality human resources for the Mekong Delta region and the whole country; researching and transferring science in the fields of socio-economics, impacts of climate change, environmental protection; and serving economic development, startups, innovation, policy criticism to contribute to the sustainable development of the Mekong Delta region.
On December 4, 2019, UEH Vinh Long beingwas officially established, carrying out UEH's mission in the Mekong Delta.
2020 – Starting the journey of training high-quality human resources
In 2020, the first degree programs of UEH Vinh Long officially began. Not onlyBesides inheriting the training philosophy of the Ho Chi Minh City campus, the training programs at UEH Vinh Long were also "redesigned" to become versions closely related to the trends and human resource needs of the Mekong region.
UEH Vinh Long aspires to create a young Mekong generation that “goes to return” with a commitment to parallel action: Studying at UEH Vinh Long, receivinge UEH degrees, becominge global learners, and being ready to bring the Mekong Delta into international integration.
The opening ceremony of the first degree programs at UEH Vinh Long – marking the official milestone of training high-quality human resources for the region
2021 – 2022: Accompanying UEH on the Multidisciplinary and Sustainable Journey
As a strategic bridge of UEH in the Mekong Delta, UEH Vinh Long fully grasps and gradually builds internal strength for a new phase: a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University Strategy. It is a new-generation university, a pioneer in empowering the young generation to act sustainably and master the future with comprehensive knowledge, integrated and deepened from a multidisciplinary perspective in Business, Economics, Law, Management, Technology and Design.
UEH Vinh Long has been gradually training, researching, consulting, and connecting with the Mekong Delta community. With its efforts, UEH Vinh Long has been persistently contributing to UEH's journey of a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University, which is also the journey of gathering global knowledge to the locality "Bring Global to Local" .
UEH Vinh Long is a strategic bridge of UEH's Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University in the Mekong – Pioneering in empowering the young generation
2023 – 2024: Being dDetermined to create a sustainable future generation
"Persistence: , the secret of every victory", after more than 5 years of efforts, UEH Vinh Long has made theirits mark with the first generation of high-quality human resources: 100% of new UEH Vinh Long graduates graduated with Distinction and High Distinction in 2024.
The incoming generations of students are increasingly of high quality and the new graduates are knowledgeable, courageous and ready to take risks. That is how the “ChangeMakers” community at UEH Vinh Long gradually shape:
• Members carrying the “Smart & Green” gene code, the gene code of digital capabilities, green skills and sustainable actions;
• Global sustainable developers, confidently choosing UEH Vinh Long as a "destination" to nurture the aspiration to contribute to the Mekong Delta;
• They are the future generation of this place – “Future Generation”.
The first generation of students from UEH Vinh Long officially graduatinged and beingare ready to enter the high-quality labor market.
2025 – 2030: Being Ready for a sustainable Mekong
5 years: – a long journey of sustainable development, innovation, and gradual adaptation to a new-generation university that UEH pursues.
UEH Vinh Long performs its "dare to change", confidently becoming a place to gather, to transfer multidisciplinary knowledge and sustainable values of UEH in the Mekong region, carrying out the mission of localizing national and international resources to serve the development of the Mekong Delta – the "Localize" mission.
UEH Vinh Long today is not only a "branch" but also the "presence" of UEH in the Mekong Delta region – a national key university, Top 501 Lleading Uuniversities in the world (Time Higher Education Ranking), which has been acting for a sustainable MEKONG.
The journey “For a sustainable Mekong” is the aspiration of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City with the presence of UEH Vinh Long. The past 5 years have been a solid foundation for UEH to continue to realize this aspiration, bringing sustainable development to the Mekong region in the overall development of the country.
Welcoming the new journey of UEH Vinh Long, the 5th Anniversary of UEH Vinh Long will officially take place on January 3, 2025, at Hall A, UEH Vinh Long (1B Nguyen Trung Truc, Ward 8, Vinh Long).
DiverseMany meaningful welcoming activities towards the 5th Anniversary of UEH Vinh Long will take place in the upcoming time, including:
● Voting for 10 typical events marking UEH Vinh Long in the past 5 years
● A publication series looking back at the past 5 years and looking towards the future: "From UEH Vinh Long"
● Conference of leaders of the Department of Education and Training with leaders of high schools in the Mekong Delta region: "Connecting education for a sustainable Mekong"
● An activity series to spread UEH Vinh Long's academic knowledge to the community
News and photos: Department of Communications and Partnership, UEH Vinh Long