In order to promote international integration and cooperation, to improve the capacity for ethical research, and to enhance integrity, on September 5, 2024, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) organized a scientific discussion session with Prof. Michelle Greenwood, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business Ethics (FT50) on publication with integrity and the speaker’s latest research.
The scientific talk was attended by Dr. Dinh Cong Khai – Vice President of UEH; Dr. Dinh Thi Thu Hong – Vice Rector of UEH College of Business, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Phong Nguyen – Permanent Deputy Head of the Department of Research – Development & Global Engagement; Prof. Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoai – Editor-in-Chief of JABES (UEH); Dr. Huynh Luu Duc Toan – Deputy Editor-in-Chief of JABES (UEH), along with many lecturers, researchers, and students from UEH’s Campuses, Institutes and other educational institutions.
The keynote speaker of the program is Prof. Michelle Greenwood, currently working at Monash University (Australia) and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business Ethics (FT50). Prof. Greenwood’s research focuses on business ethics, including conceptual and qualitative developments in ethics and human resource management, critical approaches to stakeholder theory and CSR, organizational image and technology-mediated methods. Prof. Michelle Greenwood has published more than 50 articles, book chapters and books, including publications in international journals such as Human Relations, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management Studies and Organizational Research Methods.
With the topic “Publishing with integrity: Navigating international expectations while maintaining local norms”, Professor Greenwood focused on today’s increasingly globalized academic context, publication with integrity requires a nuanced understanding of international organizations. These organizations, which are primarily focused on prestigious English-language journals, exert significant influence on the literature in the fields of economics and business. The formal and the informal rules governing these organizations can be difficult to understand and to comply with, often in conflict with local norms. Essentially, while these organizations impose ethical requirements that are considered universal, they can conflict with local practices. Although established to promote ethical research, these organizations often create obstacles for scholars trying to conduct meaningful research. In her keynote address, Prof. Michelle Greenwood explored different organizations from her personal experience at the university, national, and international levels, and proposed strategies for navigating these complexities.

Prof. Greenwood at the discussion “Publishing with Integrity: Navigating International Expectations While Maintaining Local Standards”
Discussion sessions
On the same afternoon, Prof. Michelle Greenwood continued to share the key findings of the paper “Intimate Partner Violence and Business: Exploring the Boundaries of Ethical Inquiry”. Accordingly, there is an important and often overlooked intersection between intimate partner violence (IPV) and business practices. The study argues that businesses have an ethical responsibility to not only address IPV within the organizational environment but also consider how the business broader operations, policies, and influences can impact IPV. The paper suggests that businesses can play an important role in reducing IPV through a number of ways, listed as implementing supportive workplace policies, providing resources and support to affected employees, and using their influence to promote social change. Prof. Michelle Greenwood also emphasized the need for more research and discussion on how businesses can ethically engage with IPV beyond the immediate boundaries of their operations. In addition, Prof. Michelle Greenwood referred to the Journal of Business Ethics, a leading academic journal focused on the ethical aspects of business practice and the broader implications of business for society.

Professor Michelle Greenwood presenting the findings of the paper “Intimate Partner Violence and Business: Exploring the Boundaries of Ethical Inquiry”
Discussion and Q&A session for the speaker
The discussion session with Prof. Michelle Greenwood was greatly successful, attracting the attention of the academic community at UEH and neighboring universities. The delegates had a lively and meaningful working session and exchange with experts, providing valuable perspectives and experiences in scientific research at domestic and international playgrounds. Through this discussion session, UEH will continue to accompany scholars and experts in promoting research in both breadth and depth, and promoting international publications.

Presenting gifts and taking photos
News and photos: UEH Department of Research – Development and Global Engagement, COB Office